Archive Recent creates compressed archives containing files that have recently changed. Archive Recent is designed to simplify the creation of incremental back ups and copies of modified files.

Archive Recent can create encrypted archives suitable for uploading off site storage and archiving services.

Using archiverecent

To get started with Miln Archive Recent, download and expand the executable file onto your computer.

Archive Recent is a single executable file. It does not need to be installed, can be run from any directory, and can be removed by deleting the file.

Let’s walk through an example use of archiverecent. Consider this command line call:

./archiverecent -from Photos -since 2025-01-31 -output latest-photos.tgz

The flags for this call to archiverecent are:

-from Photos
The directory to read files from. Photos is the relative path to a directory.
-since 2025-01-31
The date from which to include modified files. Every file within the Photos directory, that has been modified on or after 31st January 2025, will be included in the archive.
-output latest-photos.tgz
The filename of the archive to create.

What Happens

So what happens when this command is issued?

archiverecent does the following:

The created file is a gzipped tar archive (.tar.gz/.tgz). This is a widely supported file format that will be recognised and accessible for decades to come. This makes it ideal for long term storage.

If no files have been modified, the final archive will still be created but will be empty.

Archive Recent will overwrite any existing archive file with the same name.

Why I wrote this tool

I wrote Archive Recent to help me prepare incremental archives of photos for backing-up.

Each month I like to back-up my new and changed photos to a long term store on a remote server. I used to prepare an archive manually by exporting photos from an application and then running a series of command line tools to finalise the archive.

The manual process was fine for many years. Sometimes it felt a little time consuming but never a real burden. Then the photos application I used changed and obscured the file layout I had been relying on for easily extracting recently changed files.

That application’s change was the first in a series of changes that pushed me away. I exported all my photos and metadata to a network drive.

I am now manually managing my photos as “just a bunch of images” on disk. Thankfully a welcome number of photo applications work well with this approach. As a bonus my reliance on a single photo application is behind me.

Without the ability to ask an authoritative photo application for recently changed photos, incremental back-ups remained a challenge.

I searched for various approaches to solving this problem. Many good solutions exist in the form of custom shell scripts using find and rsync. This should have been good enough but I worried my script would be fragile.

So rather than write my own shell script, I wrote archiverecent. The problem felt common enough that it deserved a more general tool.

Today, with archiverecent, this is the command I am using to back up our photos:

sudo archiverecent
	-from "/var/services/homes/./megan/Photos:/var/services/homes/./graham/Photos/"
	-since /var/services/homes/graham/photos-since.txt
	-output '/var/services/homes/graham/miln-photos-${now}-${since}-${uuid}.tgz'
	-passphrase -

The flags above are:

-from <directory paths>
Two directories containing our photos. The /./ path segment truncates the archived directory parent path to just our names, e.g. graham/photo1.jpg rather than var/services/homes/graham/Photos/photo1.jpg.
-since <file path>
Path to a text file containing the last since date.
-output <templated path>
Output path with variable substitutions of the time now, since, and a unique identifier.
-passphrase -
Encrypt the archive using a passphrase provided interactively.

This command can be called once a month or whenever we have a need to create an archive of recently added photos. The since date is dynamic and ensures everything modified after the last call is included in the new archive.

This tool has solved my incremental back-up problem. I expect it will be useful for you too.

If you have any suggestions for improvements or need additional options, please get in touch.


Below are examples of alternative uses of Archive Recent.

Last 24 hours

Archive documents that have changed in the last 24 hours:

./archiverecent -since 24h -from ~/Documents

Multiple Sources

Archive changed files in the last 30 days, from multiple directories, into one archive:

./archiverecent -since 720h -from Photos:Documents/projects:Documents/legal


archiverecent accepts the following command line flags:

Usage of ./archiverecent:
  -config string
    	File path to configuration.
    	list files that would be archived but do not create the archive
  -exclude string
    	exclude directories and files with these names (default "@eaDir")
  -f string
    	paths to archive files from (shorthand)
  -from string
    	paths to archive files from
  -h	Show this help message and exit. (shorthand)
    	Show this help message and exit.
  -l string
    	Directory path to licence certificate files (PEM encoded) (shorthand) (default "~/.miln/")
    	Show legal notices and exit.
  -licence string
    	Directory path to licence certificate files (PEM encoded) (default "~/.miln/")
  -o string
    	path to create archive at (shorthand) (default "${now}-archive-since-${since}-${uuid}.tgz")
  -output string
    	path to create archive at (default "${now}-archive-since-${since}-${uuid}.tgz")
  -passphrase string
    	passphrase source: empty for no encryption, 'env' for env ARCHIVERECENT_PASSPHRASE, '-' interactive, or a path to a text file.
  -s string
    	date or duration since file modification to archive (shorthand)
    	Show licence details and exit.
  -since string
    	date or duration since file modification to archive
  -v	Show version details and exit. (shorthand)
    	Show version details and exit.

Qualifying as Recently Changed

A file qualifies for inclusion in the final archive, if the file’s modifed date is more recent than the since date. If no since date is provided, all files qualify.

Since Dates and Time Periods

The since value can been provided in a number of formats, including a dynamic value managed by a file.

Absolute Dates

A precise date with second accuracy and time zone can be passed as an RFC 3339 encoded value, i.e. 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00.

./archiverecent -since 2012-02-07T09:00:00 -from ~/documents

A day accurate date can be passed in the unambiguous numeric format YYYY-MM-DD, i.e. 2006-01-02.

./archiverecent -since 2023-11-01 -from ~/documents

Relative Dates

A relative time period can be passed to calculate the since date, i.e. 60s, 30m, 2h45m, 48h. The largest unit of time is h for hour.

./archiverecent -since 24h -from ~/projects

Dynamic Rolling Dates

Passing a file path for since will read the file contents for the date to use and, on completion, updated with the current date. This allows Archive Recent to be called periodically without needing to update the since value manually.

Each time the command below is called, a new archive will be created containing the files from the photos directory that have changed since the last archive was created:

./archiverecent -since ./lastarchive.txt -from photos

The initial contents of the file must be empty, a date, or a relative time.

If the file at the file path is empty or does not exist, Archive Recent will use the default since value. This will cause the first archive to include all existing files. The subsequent archives will be incremental.

The file path must be absolute, beginning with a file path separator (/), or relative with an intitial period (.). Any other format is treated as a date or duration.

Archiving Multiple Directories

Multiple directories can be passed to Archive Recent for inclusion in the archive. Any qualifying files in the directories will be included in the final archive.

Pass multiple from paths to be archived using the path separator (:). The command below passes two directories for inclusion:

./archiverecent -from "/homes/alice/photos:/homes/bob/documents"

Pass a glob pattern as the from path:

./archiverecent -from "/homes/*/photos"

Isolating Multiple Directories

When multiple directories are used for the from paths, there is the possibility of file name collisions. Two paths can contain files with the same name, and when stored in a single archive they would conflict. Archive Recent uses the tar archive file format. While this format allows conflicting file names, the last written file will frequently be the only file that is extracted.

To avoid this problem, Archive Recent includes the unique parent directory path when multiple from paths are used. Consider the single directory being archived below:

./archiverecent -from /homes/alice/photos

In the example above, Alice’s photos will appear at the top of the archive:

If we modify the command to add a second directory, also called photos, the layout of the archive changes:

./archiverecent -from /homes/alice/photos:/homes/bob/photos

This time the archive contains two isolating directories before the included contents:

Merging and Modifying Parent Directories

Archive Recent defaults to avoiding merging the contents of multiple directories. If multiple from directories should be merged into a single directory in the archive, this is possible. from paths can use a special prefix directory segment (/./) to denote where the parent directory should begin.

./archiverecent -from /homes/./alice/photos

In the example above, Alice’s photos will be embedded in the directory alice/photos/ within the archive:

Had the directory segment /./ not been included, the contents of the photos directory would have been the top most items in the archive.

The use of the prefix directory segment (/./) disables the use expansion of glob patterns.

When passing multiple paths to from, the prefix segment can be used to merge the contents of matching directories.

./archiverecent -from /homes/alice/./photos:/homes/bob/./photos

In the multiple path from example above, both Alice and Bob’s photos will be combined into a single directory in the archive:

Note the duplicate photo1.jpg entries in the list above. Both Alice and Bob had a recently modified file called photo1.jpg in their respective photos directories. Archive Recent will write both files to the archive. The tar archive format permits this. Which file is extracted depends on the tar extraction tool used.


Archive Recent can encrypt the archive using a cryptographically secure and well known algorithm.

Use the passphrase flag to set the secret passphrase needed to decrypt the archive. The passphrase can be provided in a few different ways:

If the passphrase is forgotten or lost, it can not be recovered.

The algorithm used is aes-256-cbc pbkdf2 salted sha256. This was chosen because the resulting archive can be decrypted with the open source and widely available openssl.

Decrypting the Archive

To decrypt an archive with openssl, use the following flags:

openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -salt -d -in archive.tgz.aes -out archive.tgz

Archive Recent does not support decrypting archives. This role is left to openssl and other tools.

Archive Name

The default archive name makes use of variables to ensure it differs every time an archive is created:


Variables can be used to insert dynamic elements into the archive path. Environment variables are available, in addition to the named values below:

now date as yyyy-mm-dd, i.e. 2025-01-28
now year as yyyy, i.e. 2025
now month as mm, i.e. 01
now month as English string, i.e. January
now day of the month as dd, i.e. 28
now day of the month as English string, i.e. Tuesday
since date as yyyy-mm-dd, i.e. 2025-01-28
since year as yyyy, i.e. 2025
since month as mm, i.e. 01
since month as English string, i.e. January
since day of the month as dd, i.e. 28
since day of the month as English string, i.e. Tuesday
Current user identifer
Current user’s primary group identifier
Current user short name
Current user name
Current user’s home directory
A universally unique lexicographically sortable identifier (ulid); see for the properties of this value. The uuid value is constant per run.

Excluded Files and Directories

Archive Recent does not include irregular files or empty directories. Irregular files include devices, sockets, and symbolic links. Only directories containing qualifying files are included.

Files beginning with period (.) are excluded. This avoids including macOS’s .DS_Store files.

Additionally, Archive Recent has the option to exclude files and directories with given names. The exclude flag defaults to @eaDir, which is the name of the Synology DiskStation Manager’s (DSM) supporting directories.

./archiverecent -from photos -exclude '@eaDir:Cache'

If a file matches an excluded name, the file is skipped and not be included in the archive.

If a directory matches an excluded name, the directory is skipped and the contents of the directory are also skipped.


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