Coats of Arms
The Miln surname appears to have two associated coats of arms: one English and the other Scottish.
At least two Coats of Arms were granted to Miln ancestors and pass down following differing rules.
I am not comfortable enough with the subject of Coats of Arms to write with any authority or even real clarity. It is history that has no active role in my daily life.
As this site’s domain name is Miln, it seems appropriate to document what I know. Others who share the surname may find this helpful.
To help put all this in perspective, British citizens, organisations, and members of the Commonwealth, and even American citizens can apply for a Coat of Arms from the College of Arms, UK.1 The same is not true of a Scottish Coat of Arms.
Legal Notes
Images of these Coats of Arms are derived from under a CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED licence. The images of the Coats of Arms have been cleaned up and isolated from their original background.
These pages are published for historic and educational purposes only.