English Coat of Arms

The English Coat of Arms granted by College of Arms, London.

English Coat of Arms


Coat of arms originally granted to David Leslie Miln, by The College of Arms in London.

– Wikimedia1

David Miln is mentioned in George Gordon Miln’s entry of the of The Slow Dusk, a Magdalen College, Oxford, project:

David Leslie [Miln] attended the King’s School, Chester (1911–15), and during World War One rose to the rank of Captain in the Cheshire Regiment. After the war he became an agricultural seedsman with the family firm until 1930, when he founded Miln & Co., Seedsmen. During World War Two he was a member of the Home Guard.

– The Slow Dusk

Who can use this Coat of Arms?

Even if your surname is Miln, you probably can not use this Coat of Arms.

The use of an English Coat of Arms is less restrictive than the Scottish counter-part. A Scottish Coat of Arms is limited to a single person but an English Coat of Arms can be used by the male line of a family group. College of Arms, who oversee the English side, say:

Coats of arms are inherited in the male line and so are surnames. But a coat of arms is granted or confirmed to one person and their descendants in the legitimate male line so only that family group will be entitled to the coat of arms, not everybody of that surname. … For any person to have a right to a coat of arms they must either have had it granted to them or be descended in the legitimate male line from a person to whom arms were granted or confirmed in the past.

– College of Arms

If Barnaby Miln’s claim to David Leslie Miln lineage is correct, then that lineage continues through my own family.

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  1. This is an unverified claim made in the comment of the wikimedia.org file. ↩︎