Font Pestle

This page contains the latest press and media resources for Miln Font Pestle.

Font Pestle

This page contains the latest press and media resources for Font Pestle.

Artwork - For News and Reviews

Press Release - Latest Update - v1.0.0

Lyon, France - 2 September 2013 - Miln today announced the launch of Font Pestle for Mac. Font Pestle converts symbol fonts into collections of individual graphics and style sheets. Ideal for web designers and those needing icons embedded with a font.

Font Pestle makes it easy to convert a symbol font into collections of bitmap and vector graphics. A symbol font is a font consisting of artwork or icons; examples of symbol fonts include Dingbats, Elusive, and Font Awesome.

"Font Pestle came to life because I needed a handful of PDFs from a symbol font." said Graham Miln. "After finding no easy way to extract the artwork I wanted, I created Font Pestle. Initially, I shared just one set of exported PDFs on our web site. The response from that was great; enough to justify polishing Font Pestle into a full application."

Font Pestle can be used to customise a symbol font before exporting. The font size, colours, and background can all be changed. Customising the font within Font Pestle simplifies the process of font to final artwork; customised graphics are immediately styled and ready for use.

With Font Pestle a symbol font can be quickly converted into bitmap files suitable for use on web pages and within applications. Supported bitmap formats include Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format and Tagged Image File (TIF) format.

Artwork suitable for printing and high resolution work are also supported. Font Pestle can export individual symbols to Portable Document Format (PDF) files. This vector format is ideal for desktop publishing.

Built into Font Pestle is the ability to share your customisations and symbol fonts through social media. Font Pestle also supports Theatre Mode in iChat/Messages allowing fonts to be previewed and shared within a video conference.

Font Pestle provides more advanced options for web and font designers. Font Pestle provides a graphic interface for naming symbols and mapping code points to custom symbol names. This eases the time consuming task of creating style sheets referencing the original font. Font Pestle can export traditional Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and compiler ready SASS format.

Included with Font Pestle is a selection of free and open source symbol fonts: Elusive, Entypo, Font Awesome, Fontelico, Iconic, Linecons, Meteocons, MFG Labs, Modern Pictograms, Typicons, and Web Symbols. Font Pestle supports both TrueType and OpenType font formats.

For more, visit

Pricing and Availability

Font Pestle is available through Apple's Mac App Store for 4.99 USD / 4.49 EUR.

Font Pestle requires Mac macOS 10.8 or later.

About Miln

Miln is a French business run by Graham Miln. Graham Miln is a software engineer who has over fifteen years' experience developing commercial Mac software.